The Lifetime Occupational Pension Scheme has been set up to manage pension schemes on behalf of employers that wish to take advantage of the recently announced pension legislation. The scheme can be set up regardless of the number of employees that will be within the scheme, whether it’s 5 or 500.

According to legislation, the employer’s taxable income is reduced on the amounts contributed, with current discounted rates standing at a maximum of €2000 per employee per year, while they may also receive a tax credit of 25% for every contribution paid on behalf of an employee. On the other hand, employees are also set to benefit from a tax credit of 25% for every contribution that is paid into the pension scheme.

Any information provided about taxation is based on our understanding of current law and legislation. Future changes in law and taxation or your own financial circumstances could affect the treatment of the plan and the amount of tax payable. In order to ascertain your exact tax status, you should seek specific and professional tax advice in relation to your tax obligations under the Lifetime Pension Schemes.

What does the scheme invest in?

The Lifetime Occupational Pension Scheme is designed to help save for your retirement by building a pot of money to be invested that will provide you with an income throughout your retirement. Contributions are initially invested through the portfolio services of Calamatta Cuschieri Investment Management Ltd. However, these are then diversified to a broader selection of asset class funds depending on the strategy selected by members.

Main Benefits

Employee Engagement and Retention

An attractive retirement package which not only gives the employer a competitive edge but is an excellent tool for staff loyalty and staff retention.


A number of tax benefits are available for both the employer and employee, making this an attractive tax-efficient plan.

Employer Tax Credit

A tax credit on the employer’s tax bill of €750 per employee per annum in connection with employer contributions.

Employee Tax Credit

A tax credit on the employee’s personal tax bill of €750 per annum in connection with employee contributions.

Optimising Your Retirement Portfolio

Investment strategies that maximize return and manage volatility as the members reach retirement age.

Fiscal Incentive

The employer’s taxable income is reduced on amounts contributed. Current discounted rates stand at a maximum of €3000 per employee per annum.

Professionally Managed Investment Solutions

Investments are managed at a low cost by a professional and experienced investment management team.

Effective Communication

We work closely with a designated official chosen by the employer to ensure smooth operational running of the contributions.

Regular Reporting

Reporting provided to the employer and to each employee.

Simple Onboarding

Efficient onboarding process.

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