The Board of Directors of the Company announces that it has submitted an application to the Malta Financial Services Authority requesting the admissibility to the listing of €80,000,000 in Unsecured Bonds redeemable in 2029 (the “Bonds”). It is expected that the Bonds will have a nominal value of €100 each and will be issued at par. Subject to obtaining the necessary regulatory approval, an application will be made for the Bonds to be listed and traded on the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange (the “MSE”). 

The Company will be granting preference to directors and employees of Hili Ventures Limited and its parent and subsidiary entities and to holders of securities of 1923 Investments plc, Harvest Technologies plc, Hili Properties plc, Premier Capital plc and the Company currently listed and trading on the Official List of the MSE. 

Subject to obtaining regulatory approval, the Bonds will be available for subscription by all categories of investors, including the preferred applicants detailed above up to a specified amount and the general public, through authorised intermediaries. 

Further detailed information on the Bonds shall be available in the prospectus which will be published following attainment of the necessary approval by the Malta Financial Services Authority.  

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