In the world of finance, percentage return is probably the performance common currency. In other words, if you gain ten percent from an equity investment, ten percent from dividends, ten percent from a derivative, ten percent on 100 thousand and ten percent on one thousand; ten percent is ten percent.

Buy and hold investors and those who’s grasping of mathematical concepts peaks at checking the odds for Saturday football, may not be stirred by what follows. However, those that enjoy following markets, especially those that trade equities frequently, will find the following concepts invaluable.

Ten percent up is not equivalent to ten percent down

Imagine placing your savings in the equity market on Monday. On Tuesday the market falls ten percent. On Wednesday the market climbs ten percent. Thus on Thursday your portfolio should be back to its original value right?

Wrong. Suppose on Monday you had invested €1,000. Following the ten percent drop on Tuesday the portfolio is now valued at €900. By the end of Wednesday the market climbs back ten percent. But ten percent of €900 is not €100 but €90. On Thursday you portfolio value is €990. Thus if you lose ten percent you need to gain 11 percent if you want to return back to square one.

This concept is called decay and is especially important for investors that relay on leverage. Suppose that instead of a straight equity investment your investment is a 3x leveraged ETF. A ten percent index decline translates in a thirty percent decline in the investment; your €1,000 investment is now €700. The ten percent recovery pushes the portfolio back only to €910.

3% dividend when the price of the stock if €1 is not equivalent to 3% dividend when the price is €10

This concept is especially important for the long term investor. Suppose that you bought and Allianz SE shares in January 2013 when the price was at around €102 per share. That year the company paid a dividend of €4.50 per share or, in your case, 4.41%. Suppose Allianz SE decide to maintain the same dividend ratio in 2014 when the share price was trading at €137. In this case the dividend would be €6.00 per share.

But your initial investment was at €102 per share. Therefore the €6.00 per share would mean a 5.9% dividend on initial investment. In actual fact Allianz paid €6.85 per share in 2014 and are expected to pay €7.40 per share this year. Imagine what this means for those investors who bought Allianz at €100 during the current low interest environment.

10% on one thousand is not the same as 10% on two thousand

This is so obvious that is it often completely ignored but on this concept hinges the idea of compounding. Suppose that equity markets return 10% yearly on average. The return on a €1,000 investment in the first year is obviously 10 percent. By the end of the fifth year equity markets still return ten percent but by the end of the fourth year the investment is now worth €1,464 so in the fifth year a ten percent gain will translate into €146 not €100. This principle is probably the most important concept for investors.